Sunday, 2 December 2012

Shh - it's a secret!

The creator's sister is now well entrenched in "the Lego life", and this oeuvre is apparently -
"A spaceship, but it's disguised as a car - see? [indicates the wheels]"
Did she just re-invent Decepticons?

I just didn't ask about the chaining of the head to the deck.
I love the [suspension of disbelief/trance logic] exhibited.
To be honest, I would have guessed spaceship first reflexively, and then perhaps commented on the wheels.

As an aside, generalising on the special items produced by Creator and Creator's Sister- it's interesting how the low hanging fruit is just skipped - I have no records of
LEGO bicycles
LEGO horse drawn carts
LEGO reasonably priced family oriented cars

It's mainly spaceships and flying carpets and "water back speeders".
And a Disco - maybe more on that later.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

And again, more 'droids

These new fellers are brand new, and frankly they creep me out.

The LEGO construction seems to follow a couple of strands: copying existing models with increasing fidelity and "the original works". The latter we're seeing more of. They may have been inspired by some of the baddies in the now-defunct Lego Universe. 

There's a distinct Edwardian meme floating around; obviously LEGO themselves could be part of it through what figurines they produce. However witness the recent Doctor Who stylings and Sherlock Holmes reboots among others.
This dude looks pretty serious, and I'm told he's a General!