Sunday 2 December 2012

Shh - it's a secret!

The creator's sister is now well entrenched in "the Lego life", and this oeuvre is apparently -
"A spaceship, but it's disguised as a car - see? [indicates the wheels]"
Did she just re-invent Decepticons?

I just didn't ask about the chaining of the head to the deck.
I love the [suspension of disbelief/trance logic] exhibited.
To be honest, I would have guessed spaceship first reflexively, and then perhaps commented on the wheels.

As an aside, generalising on the special items produced by Creator and Creator's Sister- it's interesting how the low hanging fruit is just skipped - I have no records of
LEGO bicycles
LEGO horse drawn carts
LEGO reasonably priced family oriented cars

It's mainly spaceships and flying carpets and "water back speeders".
And a Disco - maybe more on that later.