Sunday 3 April 2011

First Sighting

Here is what I believe is the very first creation from the Creator's little sister.

At her age, it's a bit of a habit of neurotic middle class parents to monitor them too much. And they can be good at "commanding attention" (euphemism alert).

So, when I heard the cry of "Yay, I did it!" and saw what she'd been diligently putting together,  I couldn't resist taking a snap.

First Creation

Now, I'd heard it said LEGO was targeted at the dexterity and available manual force of a 3-year old, so to see the mini Creator snap these together was a bit of an eye-opener.

I think also, that if you squint and look from the right angle, there's a certain aesthetic flair betraying itself.
Or is that fatherly pride :P

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