Thursday, 29 September 2011

Are we going to stay static or go Multimedia?

hmmm. tough call :P

Not sure about this one, either

Seriously what is this meant to be? I think all parties have forgotten.
I should suffix this by pointing out that although Lego is a great medium for abstract patterns, the Creator is not one to lean in that direction - everything is a Proper Noun, no messing about.

Any ideas?

'Droids, 'Droids, 'Droids

The 'Droids seemed to be most apt for creating some mini-figurine "Island of Dr. Moreau" - those parts do go together in quite a few different ways...
Here are a few.

The battle 'Droids quite often develop Shiva-like attributes...

I think this is essentially a very complicated light sabre.
Health and safety violations abound, such needing to hold them by the blade.

This guy is either getting awesome 'phone reception,
or can hear a pin drop from orbit.

Not to be out-done, this was the nadir of the arms race.

Relatively tame

Tuns out this idea didn't have legs.

An attempt at even greater fidelity to the films.

You can do just about anything for the heads of these things.

For a while, there was a strong emphasis on greater size for everything,
leading some very serious limb / gun inflation. 

Ships, Ships and more Ships

Another one of the memes that has come and gone was the "small ships" idea.

One of the many "Water Back Speeders"
All bases covered
This is either a Ship or a 'Droid
Some of these look frankly quite uncomfortable
Not to mention the overcrowding... 

The panorama of pride

One day, the creator decided to build all his kits.

One of many dioramas

For future generations, and the "hard of cultural reference" - it's the Death Star, with Tie fighters and I think some Star Destroyers.

I did help a little with the Death Star, I must confess.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

meme parade

One trend I discern is various memes around categories like say, ships, and droids.

They start appearing - I swear the lightbulb that goes on above the Creator's head is visible, and he vanishes upstairs, to be followed shortly by the sound of Lego being sifted.