Thursday 29 September 2011

'Droids, 'Droids, 'Droids

The 'Droids seemed to be most apt for creating some mini-figurine "Island of Dr. Moreau" - those parts do go together in quite a few different ways...
Here are a few.

The battle 'Droids quite often develop Shiva-like attributes...

I think this is essentially a very complicated light sabre.
Health and safety violations abound, such needing to hold them by the blade.

This guy is either getting awesome 'phone reception,
or can hear a pin drop from orbit.

Not to be out-done, this was the nadir of the arms race.

Relatively tame

Tuns out this idea didn't have legs.

An attempt at even greater fidelity to the films.

You can do just about anything for the heads of these things.

For a while, there was a strong emphasis on greater size for everything,
leading some very serious limb / gun inflation. 

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