Thursday 27 October 2011

Troopers, Troopers, Troopers

Arguably the array of Troopers in the Star Wars universe is "pre-bewildered" to borrow from Major Quimby.
They come in the varieties: Storm, Shadow, Clone (Early/Late variants), Snow, Senate, Rocket, Heavy and the list goes on.
Nevertheless, the opportunities are rarely overlooked by the Creator to make the bewildering array even more so.

It's a cop: a StormTrooper cop with an "enhanced" gun.

Handy for getting at those "hard to reach" rebels.
Actually, I'm not sure what purpose the re-breather is serving...
Never caught out by attacks from above.

May have been inspired by the "Bounty Hunter Rockets" red brick.
A Buzz Trooper.

A Skeleton StormTrooper and "Darth Skeleton"

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