Tuesday 16 July 2013

context matters

The Creator's little sister is almost 5 years younger, but through a process of LEGO osmosis and exposure to the Creator's friends (mainly boys), is starting to branch out on her own.

Here's a recent oeuvre. It has wheels, BTW.

"It's a tank: the guns are at the front."
Some might say she is travelling a well worn furrow, but I'm amused to observe the differences.
She has voiced concern at a very young age about succumbing to the "tyranny of pink", but then, she quite likes the Lego Friends and the more (ahem) "structured" environment that brand seems to supply.

Then again, there's the above. Go figure.

p.s. one thing that is apparently a familial constant as you can see from the quote is how I have show surprise as I am described the painfully obvious details. Not sure how to take that.

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